meaning of names πŸ’› clan names πŸ’― history


Mpofu Origin 😍 Mpofu Clan history

Ladies and gentlemen, amanyanda. Mina ngu Mxotshwa kaMakhaya umabhenampondo, uVumisa.

  • There is one Mpofu and thats enyamazana which is reddish in colour and lives in a bush alone not emhlambini, eyalwa ithwala insimbi refering to horns-Msongi wensimbi eyibeke khanda, khona amagwala ezombalekela, only drinks water if it sees the water it deos not run like other animals to look for water. Thats why iys bethi-Ophuz’ amanzi ngokuwabona, engakawaboni komi ! When it fights its really serious fight and it does not give in hence bethi-Zingwe zombili ezalwa zabulalana kwantaba Ntshanini.
  • Its one mhofu but with migration some changed into Shona but there is no shona nhuka but and these are Kalangas who are the originals of Zimbabwe first people to have dwelled in Zimbabwe but we talked down to South Africa through or via Mapungungwe in Limpopo down to Eastern Cape near KZN along Mthatha road.
  • Nyandeni is an area in EC now occupied by Amafengu the wanderers who were called dogs by Xhosa the founder of Xhosas. Amafengu are inclusive of amabhaca, OZiz, Dlamini, OLanga, Gasela all these are Amanyanda ampofu-because he run away and hide himself in eHlathini and him being a warrior a very furious warrior they knew better not to follow him in there. So they said he will be poor and die in that ehlathini. The area is very bushy and its a thicket.Umlindintaba izikhukhula zihamba nemifula izulu lihamba nomhlaba,


  • The explanation of Twala is very similiar but with shortfalls on other areas. He impregnanted a zulu woman from Khumalo and they wanted to kill him for that, for he was not allowed to have slept with royal families. Hence the stories goes a women followed him and said β€œngizeke noba awula nkomo”

    Phofu, Shaba-Thuka same meaning with Nhuka which is Shonas who are Kalangas and had remained in Masvingo, then the same people who migrated South running away from the those migrating from the North who were violent and cruel, The Shava meaning light skinned (Domboshava in Plumtree and near Harare). There is no Khumalos in Mpofu but these avathanwa bentombi avazukhulu bakaKhumalo from the Khumalo girl who was impregnated by my grandfather.

  • The Ndebele/Shona thing is explained above-these are Dlamini, Zizi, Vumisa, Langa, Gasela, Khukhuza ka Ngonyama, Nyandeni ka Mashobane, Mashobane ka Mangete ka Ngululu ka Langa ka Zimangele.


Iziduko zakwa Dlamini


Mpofu Clan Names 😍 Izangelo zako Mpofu


  1. Kundai Maradze Mpofu

    Sanibonani mina ndinguKundai Maradze-Mpofu ngizalelwe eZimbabwe. Ngiyajabula kakhulu ukunazi nonke, abafowethu nabo dadewethu. Sithi hlangana Zulu hlangana ✊🏾

    • Kelton Mpofu

      Umazelaphi uzulu lowo othi ahlangane yo can’t even write isindebele,kodwa amashona liyahlola
      Awazimuntu be proud ukubalishona you ll have dignity

  2. Musongelwa Mpofu

    Mina ngu Musongelwa mpofu ozalwa yintombi yakho Mlalazi umama ezalwa nguMzondewa Mlalazi ,katema ugogo engumaBebhe , ubaba enguNaison Madolo Mpofu , ezalwa ngumaNdebele ngyajabula kakhulu yazi ukwazana ngemvelaphi yethu ekhaya ngisuka koBulawayo , yimina umlindantaba unyandeni impofu enkulu edla yodwa

  3. T Sibanda

    The spelling does not really matter. The way words are spelt in Ndebele or Shona is an adoption of English spelling. Remember there was no formal hand writing before colonisation

  4. Tinotenda Tsigo

    I don’t get this

  5. Masego Mpofu

    Hi I’m Masego Mpofu thanks for this you are saving lot’s of lifesπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

  6. Sibusiso Mpofu

    Hi my name is Sibusiso Mpofu!am greatful to know umlando wesibongo sami, mina am born from a small township in South Africa called Alexandra, so I never knew my Surname history until I now.thank you so much.

  7. Vumani mpofu

    Owk thts good ….is it shava or shaba …. andmy question is befor sebengompofu sasingobani

    • Zulukandaba

      Mpofu, uvela emzansi wena, ungavumi okunye. Isbongo sakho asila equivalent njenge RTGS, if kulokunye okuhambelana lesbongo sakho kungolunye ulimi akuhlale kunjalo khonale kulolo limi. Angfuni kuphikiswa ngile BP

  8. Loveness Mpofu

    Injabulo nokubonga nje ukwazi kabanzi ngemvelaphi yami

  9. Mna ngi ngu Stanley Mpofu e Lobengula ko Bulawayo
    Ngijabule kakhu lu nami ukuthola Kathle ngemvelaphi yeah thina aba kwa Mpofu

  10. Mbongeni

    Ngyabonga kakhulu, ngyathaba ukwazi ukuthi ngidabuka kuphi. Igama ngumbongeni mpofu ngihlala ko bulawayo ngiyafisa ukwazi okunengi

    • Ba kwa mpofu Bahela bahle, mina ngu Lovemore Shaba (Mpofu, Chanunkha, Nhuka) ngivela Malawi (Mmbelwa Kingdom under Inkosi Ya Makhosi Mmbelwa)
      Mala kune i whatsapp chart leyi nombolo yami +265 990 583 356.

      The challenge is we lost our mother tongue.
      Very painful

  11. Samuel

    Thanks for this guy ngoba thina singamanyandeni sifanele ukuwazi umlando wokhokho bethu kanye nemvelaphi yethu which is our Roots please help me to get more information about this .Igama lami ngu Samuel sicelo Mpofu thanks for this guy’s l really appreciate it

    • Simemezelo mpofu

      Wauu lami ngiyabonga ukufunda okuhle kangaka,bengingazi lapho engivela khona,ngihlala koBulawayo igama nginguSimemezelo Mpofu,ngihlala ngisizwa nje ukuthi savela ethekwini kodwa ngingazi iqiniso lakhona,ngiyabonga kakhilu,ngiyacela ebanye lingithinte lami sazaneni bakwethi naloba kunegroup chart yakwaMpofu lingifake kuyo nami

      • Thokozani

        Izitemo zakho ntombi endala ngifuna kubonga umama wakwami

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