Lekalakala : If you know any information about this surname, such as its meaning, origin, history or clan names or their history, please add the info in the comments below or click this button + ADD CLAN NAMES
Tag: Lekalakala
Sereto sa Bakone ba ga Lekalakala
Ke Bakone ba Ntshi dikgolo
Ba Lekalakala le Moletsi
Modula thoko oe poloke,
Thoko ho nna dikokotla
Ke ba mashianoka a dilwana
Se aga ntlo ka bodutu a busha a kona molomo,
Ke bana ba Mamphunyaa molapo wa bo seripana sa lefielo,
Ha a bolo hoja mabele Mpunyana a lema Diroroma
Digole wee, digolokwane tsa kgomo!
The Lekalakala People are Divided Into Different Clans namely:
1. Moshira Clan
2. Maruta Clan
3. Gwenane Clan
4. Mongapi Clan
5. Masodi Clan
6. Ramapono Clan
7. Mangoedi Clan
8. Ramatau Clan
9. Thikitha Clan
10. Mochichi Clan
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