UMdluli uhlobene kanjani noGwala?
How does mdluli related to uGwala? Because uMdluli uNsibande not nzimande.
if someone knows, please add in the comments below.
Themba Harry Gwala born on 30 July 1920 & passed-on on 20 June 1995 was a revolutionary leader in the African National Congress (ANC) and South African Communist Party (SACP) in South Africa.
Harry Gwala trained as a teacher at Adams College and taught at Slangspruit where his students included Moses Mabhida. In 1942, Gwala joined the Communist Party of South Africa, and in 1944 joined the ANC, and moved into trade union organisation in the chemical, construction, and rubber industries. He was among the organisers of a national stay-away in 1950, and was subsequently banned under the Suppression of Communism Act.
Gwala Surname
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