Origin of Mashwama:
wena waMpunzane,
shakamane wezikhali !
You will find this surname in South Africa and eSwatini. Mashwama surname came after the death of Shakamane son of Mashekula in Louiscreeks (Easthern transvaal) now Mpumalanga in a small town between Kanyamazane (imphaka mountain and kaapmuiden).
He had two sons Jama and Marhule they moved east to now eswatini passing e Motjane down to Lozingili via Mbabane and Manzini with the herb of cattle but they didnt last longer ka Lozingili they then came back to Mgadvu( now Lomahasha ) thats where our grandfathers were born .then when border was allocated between eswatini and south africa some mashwama found themselves in the morden days Mbuzini south africa and others Lomahasha eSwatini but this is one family from same family tree origin Mbayi from Mbayiyane mountains South Africa.
Jobe Mashwama
You can add that Mashekula was the son of Mpunzane and Mpunzane the son of S’bhutane.