Dandala Clan history:
Mfaz’obelelide oncancisa intsana
Phesheya koMlambo
Dandala is a younger brother of Daka and Sifolo the twins
He is from the Left House of Bhuku.
Bhuku a Xesibe by birth from the House of iNkosi uMganu ka Xesibe of the iQadi lika Xesibe
They are found in Eastern Cape emaXesibeni “Mount Aylief” Alfred Ndzo district.
Their Ruler is the Royal House of King JoJo ka Mjoli a Sinama Xesibe also descended from King Mganu though The Sinama don’t include Mganu in their praise names because are excepted.
It’s only the Nxontsa great Son of Xesibe II, son of Mganu son of Xesibe I, son of Njanya that are praised as Mganu and Xesibe.
The Sinama are paramount Chiefs/ Kings, while Nxontsa’s are Minor Chiefs, with the Fikeni of Sinama.
Dandala clan praises:
Nkama game
Mfaz’ obelelide oncancisa intsana,
Phesheya nomlambo
Mazila ngomkhonto abafokazi bezila ngezinyembezi
Mbhamla, nina Baka Ncosa
Nina Baka Nobande ka Mlomo
Mahlafuna ka Msesane
Owazonda ukufa emntwini
Thole leS’lwane
Tshiya kutshaz’ umbani
Mamemeza eseGxeni
Noshwabede !! 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Athule Mdolomba
Bhuku Clan
Mfaz’obelelide oncancisa intsana phesheya koMlambo
Mazila ngomkhonto, abafokazi bezila ngezinyembezi
Nina baka Ncosa
Nina Baka Nobande kaMlomo
Mahlafuna kaMsesane
Owazonda ukufa emntwini
Thole leSilo
Ntshiya, zitshawule imibane
Dandala is another family name amongst many of the Bhuku Clan of the Xesibe stock
Other family names are Daka,Sifolo,Ncosa,Nondonga,Njubane,Bhumika,Hantana,Mpalulo,MpepandukuSufede,Mzimba and many more
Athule Mdolomba
Mfaz’obelelide oncancisa intsana
Phesheya koMlambo
Dandala is a younger brother of Daka and Sifolo the twins
He is from the Left House of Bhuku
Bhuku a Xesibe buy birth from the House of iNkosi uMganu ka Xesibe of the iQadi lika Xesibe
They are found in Eastern Cape emaXesibeni ” Mount Aylief” Alfred Ndzo district
Their Ruler is the Royal House of King JoJo ka Mjoli a Sinama Xesibe also descended from King Mganu though The Sinama don’t include Mganu in their praise names because are excempted
It’s only the Nxontsa great Son of Xesibe II,son of Mganu son of Xesibe I ,son of Njanya that are praised as Mganu and Xesibe
The Sinama are paramount Chiefs/ Kings,while Nxontsa’s are Minor Chiefs,with the Fikeni of Sinama
Thank you
Athule Mdolomba
Nkama game
Mfaz’ obelelide oncancisa intsana,
Phesheya nomlambo
Mazila ngomkhonto,
abafokazi bezila ngezinyembezi
Nina Baka Ncosa
Nina Baka Nobande ka Mlomo
Mahlafuna ka Msesane
Owazonda ukufa emntwini
Thole leS’lwane
Tshiya kutshaz’ umbani
Mamemeza eseGxeni