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AMANTLANE HISTORY Amantlane athe bhazalala kulo lonke eliloMzantsi Afrika naphesheya kolwandle esuka emampondweni ngokuzalwa. Ukufika kwamabhulu nokugxuphuleka kwawo kulawulo lweNkosi neziKumkani ze umhlaba weenkosi wasikwa ngokwee dolophi iLusikisiki, Flagstaff neNtabankulu ngowamaNtlane umhlaba.

Imilambo emithathu iNxuze, uMzintlava, noMzimvubu yiyo eyahlula umhlaba wamaNtlane ngokwezi dolopi zintatu

IZIDUKO ZAMANTLANE ZEZI la amantlane angundlunkulu awo onke amantlane uValela noGcuda afumaneka emantlaneni eLusikisiki, eMcelu, eMneketshe, Bizana, Flagstaff, Nyokweni kuNtabankulu nase Bomvini kuNtabankulu xa bebonga kutiwa ooNtlane, uSukude (Mkodwana), Mthwa ka Sihula ozala uSantsabe, uVambane, uMahlahla, uGxara, Mwowo, uBhengu, uMalitshe, uSiyoyo, uMjusana, uGxididi, uGcegce, uMadikizela, uTshengu, uMalebomvu, uDedela, uNqabaneamantlane akwa Qiba – izibaya zika qibe, zika ntlane, zika sukude mkondwana, zika santsabe, zika mthwa zika sihula, zika sitho, zika mpofu, izibaya zika malitshe, zika siyoyo, zika bhengu, zika gxarha, omthi ogawulwe wayekwa pesheya komlambo kuba udinga abathezi benkuni.amantlane akwa Nodwengu – la amantlane afumaneka emampondweni Ntlane, Sukude, Mkodwane, Gxarha elipezulu, nodwengu, sikhalaze, mathe, nxuvathe, njeya, lugongqo.

Amantlane akwaNamba – la amantlane apha kwaBhaca kuNtabankulu bangamampondo ngemveli namantlane okwenyani. lingwevu ziphata ilivo loba kwathi kuhlinzwe inkomo xa kusabiwa inyama ngezithebe ze abantu babelwa isithebe sabo enyameni zebayoyityela pantsi komthi kutiwa bathi besatya njalo kwawa inyoka iNamba apha emthini ba baleka bashiya inyama leyo kuthiwa ukususela ngalo mini azikheta lamantlane esithi akafunwa yaye akamkelekanga yaye lenamba leyo iwileyo ibiyinto yangabomi nebihleliyo. ukususela ngoko lamantlane abizwa ngoba ngamantlane akwa Namba. kuyasolakala ukuba uninzi lwamntlane ahamba nama bhaca nge xhesha lemfazwe yama bhaca kuba efumaneka kakulu kumhlaba wama bhaca naku ntabankulu.

Batsoeneng Clan History & Meaning

Bats’oeneng clan meaning:

Motsoeneng means “a diamond of God”.

Brief history:

Bats’oeneng are the descendants of Bakoena. They venerate the monkey. This is largely based on the circumstances of how Mots’oene conceived. As the story goes, Mots’oene’s mother, who was a barren, was helped to conceive by using herbal medicine abd being in physical contact with the body or skin of a monkey.

i) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba, leleme le lets’o, le lets’o joalo ke ho koma litlhare! Ngoana ‘Makhiba kokosa srthunya, Motho oa ‘Mashooa!
ii) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba, leleme le lets’o, le lets’o joalo ke ho koma litlhare! Ahlama, mantsoe a Mantsimane, ahlama ka hanong, re bone, re bone moo u jellang litho tsa batho!
Motho oa ‘Mashooa
iii) Leme le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare. Molula-qhooa oa ma-Tsimane motho oa Khamali
iv) Mots’oeneng oa ma-Tlapa-le-halime! Le halima ke ho sheba thabeng. Ts’oene e rita thabeng, tlapa le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare.
v) Mots’oeneng oa ha khiba le khamali leleme le lets’o ke eng? Leme le lets’o ke ho koma litlhare.

Dlamini Sibalukhulu history

Dlamini Sibalukhulu history

Ngenxa yokuthi umlando wawungabhalwa kodwa udluliselwa ezizukulwaneni ngomlomo nangezithakazela asinalo ulwazi olugcwele ngomlando wakwaDlamini. Okuningi kwalahleka, kodwa kukhona okwagcineka okuncani esikwaziyo ngabakwaDlamini.

Abantu bakwa Dlamini baningi kakhulu futhi basebenzisa izibongo ezehlukene akumangazi-ke ngoba ngesinye isikhathi uthola beganene bodwa. AbakwaDlamini bayatholakala kulolonke leli laseNingizimu ye-Afrika.

Ababhali abaningi bayaphikisa ngalomlando ngoba emuva le akusacaci kahle ukuthi umlando wabakwaDlamini uhamba kanjani…

Ngokuka Prince Zuko Pokwana bazalana kanje:
Ludiwu, Sidwaba, Lufelelwenja, Mini, Fulathelilanga, Nguni, Mzimkhulu, Masoka, Mhuhu, Nqubeni, Mhlanga, Musi, Mntungwa, Ndlovu, Dlamini, Ludonga, Mswati, Ngwane, Dlamini, Nkosi, Mavuso, Magudulela, Ludvonga, Dlamini, Ngwane, Ndungunye, Sobhuza, Mswati, Ludonga, Mbazeni, Ngwane, Sobhuza, Mswati iii.

Bakhona ke nabanye ababhali abawulanda ku MuMbo. Kuyacaca-ke lapha ukuthi ngokuhamba kwesikhathi babe sebehlukana ngokwezindlu babe sebeyofuna amadlelo aluhlaza ezindaweni ezehlukene. Ilelo nalelo qembu labe liholwa inkosi yalo. OoDlamini abehlukananga, bonke umnyombo wabo uqala ku Dlamini wokuqala. Babe sebezibiza ngezindlela ezehlukene: amaSwazi, amaZizi, amaKhuze, Inhlangwini, Fodo, Tolo, Soshenge…

Omunye wababhali balomlando wakwaDlamini, u Siyabonga Jama Mviko ubhala kanje:

“Sengiyibhekisise kahle indaba yakwaDlamini, cha! Abantu bakwaDlamini bonke bazalwa ndawonye. Bakhona esingabatholi kahle umlando wabo kodwa bonke ekugcineni basuka esendeni elilodwa.

Behlukaniswa ipolitiki yomndeni nokuhlakazeka ngokwanda kwabo kanye nezigameko ezithile. Abanye kubonakala ukuba abazange balandwe oyise ababazalayo basala ezizweni kanti abanye bazalwa amadoda akhishwa ekhayeni ngebanga lemikhuba thizeni!

Abantu bakwaDlamini ngokwezizwe zabo:



source: zuluculture dot co dot za

History of Mthembu surname

History of Mthembu surname

Uma unolwazi ngabantu bakwaMthembu, sicela ubhale kwi-comment ngezansi.

Amawushe history

Amawushe history

Uma unolwazi lomlando luka ‘Amawushe’, sicela ulifake kuma-comments.

User 1:

My name is Noluvuyo Mjoli and I am of the isiBhaca speaking people of South Africa. I was born in a Village of Lourdes, Mzimkhulu. Umzimkhulu is also a famous land where amaBhaca are found in large Numbers. Neighbouring towns such as,iXopo, Tsolo, Mount’ ferere, Flegstaf, Matatiele, Hlane, Mgungundlovu, Lulangeni, Mpendle, Qumbu, Lutateni, Cabazi, Mhlotsheni, Tshikini, Mvuzi, Nkungwini, are all former Transkie and territory which was shared between amaMpondo and amaBhaca.

My father is of the Mjoli clan, house of Sondzaba. His name was S’hlabane, his father was Mandiza. We are the descendant of amaWushe who joined forces with amaZelemu against the domination of king Shaka who wanted to expand the Zulu kingdom by taking independant nations like amaWushe, amaQwabe, etc under him as Zulus. Others have argued that Wushe is related to Zulus by the virture of Zulu giving birth to two sons, Wushe and Didi (Zelemu).

However, this is a late encounter when amaWushe had already lost their autonomy after amaZelemu took charge. Nonetheless, Lufulwenja founded the surname Mjoli. His sons inherited it and passed it on. He was given birth by Mageba kaGumede kaZulu. Khalimeshe is a grandson of Didi, he was the one who gave birth to Madzikane. King Madzikane is important for amaBhaca. He is the one who fled for safety with his people during the wars of Umfecane during the late 1800s.

My genetics are traced from all the specimen but I pay homage to uNtu; the ancestors of all Bantu People.
Sonke siyisizwe sakwaNtu sizalwa nguye uMvelingqangi. uNtu uzele uMnguni yena wazala uNkosinkulu yena wazala uMdlani yena wazala uLuzumane yena wazala uMalandela Kodwa uMalandela wabhubha enganabo abantwana kwanyanzeleka ukuba uNtombela kaLuzumane ongumntakubo Malandela makandise umzi womntakwabo ngoku Ngena umamekhaya kaMalandela kwazalwa uZulu noQwabe ngesende likaNtombela uZulu yena uzele uGumede endlini enkulu ze wazala uDidi endlini yasekunene uDidi wema sizwe sakhe kuthiwa ngaba ngabakwaZelemu uDidi yena wazala uVebi yena wazala uWabana yena wazala uKhalimeshe yena wazala uMadzikane yena wazala uSonyangwe endlini yasekunene nguNcaphayi. uNcaphayi lona uzele uDiko yena wazala uQoza yena wazala uMathakathi yena wazala uMabhijela yena wazala uDingumhlaba yena wazala uDilizantaba yena wazala uThandisizwe oyinkosi yakwaBhaca

My Mother is of the Dlamini royalty, they are the children of Mazinywana, ka Sibal’khulu. I am also a grandchild to umzi wakwa Jali and Ndzimande. You see we were kings and queens back then before Mfecane, but today the soil has seen better days.

Thandisizwe Diko

Thandisizwe Diko

Uma unolwazi ngo Thandisizwe Diko, sicela ulubhale ezansi kuma-comments.

History of Madzikane kaZulu

History of Madzikane kaZulu
Ngonyaka ka 1828, uShaka ka Senzangakhona wahlasela uMadzikane no Faku. uShaka wanduluka ekhokhele umkhosi wakhe buqu. Wathsi mayefika kumlambo uMzimkhulu, wawehlula kabini lomkhosi, omnye wawukhomba ukuthsi uhlasele uMadzikane omnye wawukhomba kuFaku ikhokhelwe tinjengele. UShaka no Henry Francis Fynn bashiyeka etu komlambo uMzimkhulu.

Umkhosi owawuthunyelwe kuMadzikane wahlangatshetwa etu kweentsaba teNunge. UMadzikane wayalela unyana wakhe, uNcaphayi ukuthsi akhokhele umkhosi owawekhiwe amaWushe, AmaChiya, AmaMpovane, AmaNqolo, AmaXesibe, kunye netinye itizwe, ukuba alwe nalomkhosi kaShaka awurhole awujikeletise iintsaba teNunge, lo gama yena ephehla intseleti kwadze kwawa ikhephu.

Waqothola ke lawo umkhosi kaShaka owawukhokhelwe uDingane umninawe kaShaka. Wahlaselwa waphoze waphelela. Le ndzawo yeentsaba teNunge owafela kuyo yadze yabitwa ukuthsi yiNtsizwa, ngoba kulawo IINTSIZWA tomkhosi kaShaka tafela khona. (Le yimbali yeengwevu takeMzimvubu)



Source of article:

Umlando wamaBhaca

Umlando wamaBhaca

Image result for umlando wamabhaca

“Historically, around 1720’s, we the Bhacas lived in the Northern part of the Pongola River near the Lebombo Hills, in a place that is today the boundary between Mpumalanga and Swaziland. As it is often stated that at about this period, the KwaZulu Natal was occupied by different tribes such as abaMbo and the aMalala, it is suspected that the amaBhaca came from one of these tribes. During this period amaBhaca were Zelemus.

The movement of the Bhacas is estimated to have been visible between 1734 and 1820’s.

Between 1734 and 1800’s the amaZelemu left the land below the Drakensberg Mountains towards the east at times would hide in the forests like Nkandla forest so that they would not be seen. It is suspected that when the amaZelemu fled, they were accompanied by the amaWushe. Some chief that lived along amaBhaca include Chief Nondzaba, Dlepu, Mnginambi and Macingwane.

These tribes lived together without clash amongst each other. The clash started (BIG-Clash) with the then Zulu King Shaka during the Mfecane wars. It was the day King Tshaka sent his troops to attack the amaZelemu tribe. It is believed that in 1820 Madzikane had an argument with Tshaka because the amaZelemu tribe was unified, strong and frightening and that Tshaka did not like this. He thought that this tribe was trying to imitate him. Tshaka, his councillors and his traditional healers therefore plotted to kill Madzikane.

When the battle broke out, tribes spread out and lost some of their members. Some members of amaWushe collected some of their members, however others joined under Madzikane, son of inkosi uKhalimeshe. Madzikane fled in an eastern direction, following the exact same route as the Amachunu tribe that had also moved because of this unrest. He crossed the UMkhomazi River. Other tribes, aMacingwane under chief Cekwane, amaVundla, amaNtunzela and amaWushe Nondzaba in 1821. It is believed that amaVundla and amaNtunzela tribes were attacked and forcefully removed and their livestock taken by amaWushe under inkosi Nondzaba.

AMakhosi, Madzikane and Nondzaba worked together. Nondzaba met with Madzikane and together they went to the land of amaMpondomise. At that time the amaMpondomise lived in the area of Rhode in Mount Ayliff. On their arrival they attacked the amaMpondomise and took their live stock. Nondzaba continued towards Tsolo and this is where he was killed.

Inkosi uMadzikane had decided to stay between Rhode and the uMganu mountains in the Mount Free district. It is here where he built his great place. In August 1830 Tshaka again attempted to attack Madzikane. Inkosi Madzikane, was warned that Tshaka was planning to attack. In preparation for another battle, the children and the live stock were taken into hiding at Umganu and Luyengweni, while the amaBhaca troops were training, waiting to fight when attacked. When the Zulu troops arrived, mighty of inkosi Madzikane defeated them. They were overcome by the cold and many of them were frozen. The Madzikane troops attacked the Zulu troops and the Zulu troops retreated back home. Since that day, the now called Ntsizwa Mountains were named after the death and the killing of the iintsizwa zikaTshaka. The death of the Zulu troops was seen as Madzikane’s magic. It is believed that as he was strong on muthi, and also a traditional healer, Madzikane used his muthi. This also follows his statement as often quoted after he had received the rumours that he was going to be attacked by the Zulu troops, “Umkhosi wakaZulu mina ngowushaya ngesandla esisodwa” (meaning, “I will beat the Zulu army single handedly”). Although there are different stories on the actual performance of Madzikane’s muthis, there is a story that says Madzikane made a big fire and the smoke that came from that fire turned into clouds that produced frost.

Madzikane proceeded with his mission to expand the Bhaca Nation. However, four years later he died. It is suspected that he was killed by the Thembu army at the forest of Gqutyini as he had attacked and attempted to take the cattle of abaThembu.

Madzikane’s son from his first wife, Mdutyane, was still young. INkosi Ncapayi from the right hand house had to rule. The Bhaca nation became strong under the rule of Ncaphayi. In 1835 the amaBhaca built a strong relationship with Inkosi Faku of the Pondoland. AmaBhaca temporarily migrated to Pondoland under the arrangement with iNkosi uFaku. However this relationship did not last long. AmaMpondo quarrelled with amaBhaca. It is suspected that the quarrel had something to do with the number of cows for lobola payment. The story goes on to say that a Bhaca young man was killed when he went to fetch his cattle that he was paid for lobola. On the other hand, it is said that Ncaphayi did not want to combine his army with that of amaMpondo. These troops met at a battle in the land of Lusikisiki. Other Bhacas under Mdutyane fled to Mzimkhulu. It is believed that Ncaphayi tried to attack Faku in 1844. Unfortunately Ncaphayi was killed at an area called Nowalala in Pondoland.

As Mdutyana followers stayed at Mzimkhulu, Ncaphayi’s first son Diko had to take over and rule. Later on the son from the second wife and the younger brother, Makaula took over and ruled. Diko is the Chief of ELundzini Royal Kraal at Lubhacweni in Mount Frere. The district of Mount Frere is built on the land under iNkosi Diko. Makaula is also one of the Chiefs at Elugangeni area under Mount Frere District as well. ”


User 1
Mina ngithanda ukwazi ngabakwaNdongeni ngoba ezithakazelweni kukhona uQubulashe okuyesinye sezithakazelo zamaWushe. Kanti futhi kukhona emndenini abashade kwaMjoli. EGugulethu lapho ngikhulelel khona ubuye uthi mawuthi unguNdongeni angaziwa loNdongeni ngamaXhosa. Bekuze kubengcono mawuthi uliWushe. Noma bekhona oNdongeni kwaXhosa abahlangene noNdongeni bakwaBhaca EMt. Frere. Kwenzekani kuNdongeni awayephelezela U Dick King. Ngokomlando esawufunda kuthiwa wanxepehzelwa ngamaNgisi ngomhlaba north of Umzimkhulu which is under claimand handled by KZN Land Claims Commission.

User 2
so as ibhaca too I would like to know o nxanda klaus xesibe:mnune doyi bhathane matshaya ngenqawe’nde abanye betshaya ngezimfutshane mbimbi bhelesi umantsaka nondzaba yondzaba kanjani lendzaba ungayati baka tshomela ka matsho. were part of this journey of bhaca people we in maclear and surrounding areas and Suthi singamabhaca are we right xa sisitsho

User 3
Thanks for this little bit forensic history but umlando lo is incomplete and wawulungiselela icala elikaMadzikane kuphela.Amawushe akhonto siyivayo ngawo then I would like you to contact us about isizwe samawushwe abantwana basemthunzini from Lufulwenja to Wushe Bekwa Mjoli ngokuya ke.

Origin of Ndlovu surname

Origin of Ndlovu surname

Ndlovu in Venda they say Ndou. is Sotho, Tlou. Shona-Zhou. You also find it in Swahili, in east an west Africa. So all these are Ndlovu yakwaMthombeni tribe which falls under kalanga tribe within the Ndebele nation.

Ndebele is a nation made up of various tribes that were incoporated by by King Mzilikazi. INdlovu yakwaGatsheni is part of that tribe. So through Mfecane various tribes lefr Zululand and headed for central Africa. Some settled in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Mthwakazi etc.

All these tribes carried elements of the original Ndlovu but due to circumstances changed their surnames to suit local conditions, eg Ndou (indlovu in Venda).

History of Ndlovu surname

History of Ndlovu surname

Ndlovu is the most popular surname among African tribes meaning Elephant, one of the huge animal in the land. All African surnames have Praises known as IZITHAKAZELO. Thus Ndlovu praises are as follows; Gatsheni, Boyabenyathi, Buyasonga buyasombuluka. Mpongo kaZingelwayo! Nkomo zidl’ ekhaya, Ngokweswel’ umelusi. Zaze zeluswa intombi uDemazane. Nina bakwakhumbula amagwala. Nina bakwasihlangu sihle. Mthiyane! Ngokuthiy’ amadod’ emazibukweni. Nina bakwaMdubusi! Gambushe! ka Genge elidla umuthi lilodwa, amanye amagenge edla ehlanganyela. Nina baka Silwa ngoswana, Isihlangu sisele eMampeni. Ndlangamanla!

Ndlovu in Venda they say Ndou. is Sotho, Tlou. Shona-Zhou. You also find it in Swahili, in east an west Africa. So all these are Ndlovu yakwaMthombeni tribe which falls under kalanga tribe within the Ndebele nation. Ndebele is a nation made up of various tribes that were incoporated by by King Mzilikazi. INdlovu yakwaGatsheni is part of that tribe.

So through Mfecane various tribes lefr Zululand and headed for central Africa. Some settled in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Mthwakazi etc. All these tribes carried elements of the original Ndlovu but due to circumstances changed their surnames to suit local conditions, eg Ndou (indlovu in Venda).

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