Kanyiso, Matomane original yaku Tsolo, uMaduna, Nokhala, Tiba, Ngaculβende, Gubevu, Sjakula, Solathiso, Malobola ngeeNgqukuva kuba ezineempondo zizohlaba abakhwekazi, sivunguvungu esawisa indoda emahlangeni, Mamba kaNdindiβ¦β¦!!
Category: Izithakazelo Page 70 of 438
Nyundu surname:
Sbhuku, madlalenkhulu lencane sishiyela bantfwana nine lenahlala etafuleni njengemangisi !
Masanabo Surname info
Masanabo sokomo marhubani kalumbe ngoma surname is from amandebele tribe this name was name after the man who let the dogs to bite amandebe king at night he never knew that it was king and he runaway and the king send his body guards to chase the man and he was no where to be found the kings says lizokusa nawe ilanga meaning: theΒ sun will rise with you !
Mnune mbokotwane ayi qengqwa qengqwa ngaba oyaziyo kromo ginyange phetweyoβ€οΈ