Mshinga, mafeles’bayeni, mhhonta, busut’betingcungca abukhafulwa, kukhafulwa bemajaha ngoba betintfombi buyanukelela. Mbulawe khaya. Shokoliya!
Mshinga, mafeles’bayeni, mhhonta, busut’betingcungca abukhafulwa, kukhafulwa bemajaha ngoba betintfombi buyanukelela. Mbulawe khaya. Shokoliya!
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Elias mashwama
Mashwama clan most people with this surname are in South africa than eSwatini .the reason why it looks like the majority is in eSwatini it is because of the highest position in government was first noted in the kingdom with the likes of minister Jabulile mashwama and soccer legend Ace mashwama. South africa had the majority