What does babanango mean in english?
The commonly accepted version comes from the Zulu words ‘baba nango’. The popular story goes that many years ago a small Buthelezi child got lost on the slopes of the mist-shrouded hill and when an elder brother found him he shouted, “baba, nango”, meaning “Father, there he is“.
Zulu translation:
Ngabe i-babanango isho ukuthini ?
Inguqulo eyamukelwa kabanzi isuka emagameni esiZulu ‘baba nango’. Udaba oludumile luthi eminyakeni eminingi eyedlule kwalahleka ingane encane yakwaButhelezi emithambekeni embozwe yinkungu kwathi uma itholwa ubhuti omdala yamemeza yathi, βbaba, nangoβ okusho ukuthi βBaba nanguβ,