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Tag: Ndou


Ndou CLAN NAMES : If you know Ndou CLAN NAMES or their history, please add it by leaving a REPLY below or by clicking this button + ADD CLAN NAMES

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Ndou ® clan names. Ndou Surname Meaning 😍 Ndou Origin. Ndou History

Ndou ® clan names. Ndou Surname Meaning 😍 Ndou Origin. Ndou History
The meaning, origin and history of the Ndou surname is not listed.

This surname is prevalent in Zimbabwe.

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Akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa

Akulahlwa mbeleko ngakufelwa

Incazelo: ukuthi wenzakalelwe yinto embi akusho ukuthi lahla ithemba.

Umsuka: imbeleko eyokubeletha umntwana, uma ngabe usufelwe abantwana akusho ukuth lahla leyo mbeleko ngoba usengabathola abanye abantwana

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