Sechohela surname info is currently not listed. If you know Sechohela clans or their history, kindly add in the comments below.
Category: Izithakazelo Page 13 of 435
Tile surname info is currently not listed. If you know Tile clans or their history, kindly add in the comments below.
mlungwana gubanca nxurhebe bhalane balalenkomo bhalele sendeni ngenxa yoku nqaba amaphepha tshutsha mcheya silo somlambo into eya emcimbini ingamenyenywanga yabuya no mlenze nkomo into ka nozibunu ziphatshile ngoba kusebusika inyokelu hlaza engenabungozi thambolayo elihlaba elimzondayo
Umlando wakwa Jiyane ukhona kwi-YouTube channel yethu.
Ungawulalela lapha
Aba ngoNdayeni, oGquma, Ziqelekazi !
Madlala, Sozabe,
Godlingwe owagodla tingonyama,
Somagodlo !
OoGxaba, Tshobana, mnguni, mthalawushe, mbande zinoboya, machibisa, njulukane eyehla ngobulembu ezululwi kudliwa umbona nje kungenxa yayo !