Matshezi surname info
Izithalazelo zakwa Matshezi .
Matshezi surname is currently not listed.
If you happen to know some information about this surname such as its clan or origin and history, please add that info in the comments below.
Matshezi surname info
Izithalazelo zakwa Matshezi .
Matshezi surname is currently not listed.
If you happen to know some information about this surname such as its clan or origin and history, please add that info in the comments below.
Izithalazelo zakwa Tengile.
Tengile surname is currently not listed.
If you happen to know some information about this surname such as its clan or origin and history, please add that info in the comments below.
Izithakazelo zakwa Mthimunyeย
Nomaziyana womngoma, wena owesenga inkomo ungakavunuli wayokuvunuliswa nguNomaziyana, ngendlini… Continue reading >>
Modika surname info:
The Modika clan is one of the bigger clans in Modjadji, together with the Magasha, Malematลกa, Mabulana, and Mosata clans.
All of these clans are part of the royal family and are descended from a single large clan.
Nyembezi surname
Nyembezi, Msenti,
Mkhethaphela, Hlala bemzonda bethi wonile namhl’engezanganto,
Malimela, Nyembose,
Majobela ka Jobe !
This surname of Mditshwa belong to the Mpondomise clan, Ngwanya, Jola, Qengeba, Mphankomo.. if you want to know better about this surname ask Rev. Minister Marvellous Mditshwa known as Mlindeni.. he was born at Qolombana location under Tsolo District (area of Matyeba, Ncambele, Nqadu, Ntibane, Tyeni, Ngcolosi, Goqwane, Madwaleni)
Mwandla surname info
Mwandla: mdabulankungu kuvele ilanga, umafa avuke ngakusasa. lesikhathi ephuma ekhaya nabafowakhe, bahamba liguqubele ilanga, bahamba laze laphenya kwavela ilanga besendleleni. uma ethi wafa, wavuka ngakusasa… Continue reading >>
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