Izithakazelo zakwa Mtsweni, Mtsweni Clan Names
Nodrarhana Nondrarhaneliwaia
Isihlangu esakhaya’ entabeni.
Mphangandlala abanye baphangu Mnono;
Mzila_kata abanye bayithwala;
Umfazi omnyama wamabele aamade owancelisa umntwana ngaphesheya komlambo
Mfene zimabuthio ngokufulathelana ngokuthshinga kwelanga
Ndala phirima mhlabe phirima.
Ndala !
Jan Dingani Mtsweni
Thanks for the important information and history
From Thembeki Mtsweni-Nelspruit
Lucky ndala
I’m a ndebele so I’m truly helped as you know as lucky ndala from siyabuswa D
Madlozi Mtshoeni
It seems you mix Mtsweni Ndala, Ndrimnandre,Komzima wakoMbibana.
Mtsweni are in the following order.
The First Son of Rhiba the off spring of Makgetha of Mokoena
was Msezani wokoKhobile hence Mtsweni Msezani is referred as Mtsweni Msezani wakoKhobile yindlu enkulu kwaMtsweni, then followed the second son Mtsweni Ndala unodindrwa, the third born was Ndrimandre hence Mtsweni are referred as Mtsweni Ndrimandre Mphanagandlala and the last born is Komo enzima yako Mbibane.
In their praises they differ according to the house they are coming from
The First House referred themselves as Mtsweni Msezani wako Khobile owakhobela nabadluli ngendlela waze wakhobela noTSHOBA imbala
Indlulu enlandelayo yindlu yakwa Ndala othi NgumMtsweni Kanodindrwa Unodindrwa ongezwako uMtsweni buphirima isibhamu asingeni eRholweni sangena ngepi yamangisi kuphela, kundelandele uMtsweni Ndrimandrwe, kubela KaMaleleza,Mphangadlala dlubana ezatshalwa esimini ekulu zala zabhala ukwandwa zidlodlo ezingadliwa bashimane zigonywa makhosi phela then the last house is Mtsweni Komo enzima yakoMbibane, sirhayeleni sangemihla.In most house like to drift to Maleleza whilst their geonology do not linked Maleleza ,Jali, and Mphangandlala.
Yes Mtsweni converged to Mfene ezimabutho because of break away from South Sotho tribe which was Mokoena and chiftency dispute and war ensued then Rhiba house stationed at Draggesberg mount .The Rhiba launched their defence and attack from the big mountain stain and they were referred as imfene and secondly they are the offspring of MaMrhali -Masango great mother was assisted by herbs mix with certain baboon parts hence Rhiba was born.Then the royal family refused to recognize Rhiba to ascend to the throne because MaMrhali gave birth to imfene.MaRhali ke Tshoeni. Then initially we traded as Matikane, then to Motshoeneng then to Mtshoene but change to Mtsweni written incorrect in Zulu
Mfene azimabutho
I’m a ndebele so I’m truly helped
Jan Dingani Mtsweni
Thanks for the important information and history
From Thembeki Mtsweni-Nelspruit