Siwela, Mjiyakho, Khapheza, Mthiyane, Mwelase kaNdaba, wena ongawelanga ngazibuko, owawela ngezimpambo zomvula, keke la keke qanda lanyonini leli, qanda lenyon’ emhlophe ngoba limahhwaqahhwaqa, Mdimndwane odl’ imkantsha Mdangela!
Qhuba mkathiya,
Nathini boMpolofu abamhlophe,
Qhude kayiyi mbalaluza kajowe,
Khulukahle malindila kalitha khona tholeni ekhaya kwazi nthaba kaluda,
Malibela kavovo,
boMpolofu abande nezitho zabo !
Majenge surname is mostly comes from Hegebe/Gebe/Mgebe or Mgeba Clan this is the first house of Amabonvana tribe .the Amahegebe people are royal house of Mbonvana tribe even today Nkosi Patekile Holomisa is their King. So Majenge people are mostly Xhosa or Ndebele. depending on who mixed with who.
They are widely known in Free State Zastron /Rouxville/Bloemfontein/Botshabelo and many other places even in the Eastern Cape.
A lot of our people may have misdirected history because lack of information and oral knowledge but no matter where you are if you are Majenge you are linked with the Royal House of Amahegebe/Mgeba . We have an Athlete James Majenge who is regarded as a person from Cameroon,but he also has South African Background.
All I have written is based on research and oral knowledge I inherited from my elders ..Who told me we ought to know ourselves as Abantu.
Mungoni wa Ha- Mange, wa ha tshiswa a tshina murungo, tsha vha na murungo tsho tahala.
Wa ha Tsatsawani.
Wa ha mutshimba munya-gororo u no dadza nkho uwothe.
Vhakhaha, vho Ranada.
Munukhavhaloi, munna anori usinyuwa a gonya muri wa mukhalu nga mutana matari a sala
a tshi fhuluwa nga othe.
Muofhe munna a no ofha ndala ngeno Mafumo a tshi lwa nga ethe. Mungoni a dya huku uwa hlanya. Ntsana I tshi Lila I vhidza mme ayo !!
Sereto sa ba Moagi
Ke Motswakhunana wa Rakau le Makobotwane
Ke dikurwane tsa Mmantlkakane di Shisha merekotso
Ke bana ba letswele le leweleng maphata ko Makobotwaneng
Ke bana ba Ncheche le Kwadiba
Sethunya se se latlhilweng ke leshoro, monna wa Moagi, ga a se latlha omphiele sona
Ka thuntsha ka sona dithathariona
Ge se re THUU- ga phaphana maeba ka ditshilwane tsa merope
Se thuntsietse Moagi le Malatse
Ge o se na tshimo o be le moriri wa tlhogo
Ge o se na moriri wa tlhogo o be le dinta mo tlhogong
Kwa gaetso kwa ga Moagi ga re kgobe ka dilo tsotlhe
Ke motho wa bo Dikota tsa bo Molefyane le Nkeru
Ke diboba tsa metlhaka, ke metshikaro e e mahuto
Ge re bolayane re a omaomana
Mokgaatla ge a se nnyana o ikoketsa ka kuane
Babui ba kubu ba e buela letjibogong yo mongwe a re
Setho se ke sa ka, yo mongwe a re setho se ke sa ka
Motswakhunwana a re nna mpheng sebete e seng letshwafa
Rena Batswakhunwana ga re je letshwafo ka gore letswafo ke nama ya mafyega
Ba re Moagi wa Legasane, o tsere kae dikgang tse di monate tse?
Ka re dikgang tse di monate tse ke ithutile tsona
Dikgang tse di monate tse ke ithutile tsona ken a le Motsepe
Kgosi ya Bakgatla ba Mmakau le Tabane wa bo Modise wa bo Tlholwe
Le Moumakwe wa bo Moagi le Mabuse wa ba Digamela !!
i want tofind moyayana clan names
Silinda, Mapopo, Rhambane, Lithonga, Mcal’wendlela way’hamba labany’bangay’hambi was’ukhetsa lihlatsi ngob’utsi liyajubetela ujake ebukhosini ujake makhosatane asesithenjini wats ngeke bahlale esithenjini ngoba bomile wafika wabanetisa bese batsi k’dzala balindze wena
Silinda!!! Mapopo!!! Rhambane!!!!
Mzize clan name history